Motor Condition Monitoring – Insulation resistance type

K6CM-ISM monitors the insulation resistance, as indicator of the motor’s wiring and safety conditions.

As soon as the measured value falls below the pre-set warning or alarm value, the system triggers its output.

Installation is easy both in existing and new machines, as there is no need to wire sensors on the motor: the clamp-type ZCT can easily installed on the cables supplying power to the motor, and the controller is designed to be placed in the panel.

The device can either be used as stand-alone, or integrated in a wider solution, enabling functions such as:

  • Notifications in case of warning/alarm

  • Remote monitoring

  • Interaction with custom applications and MQTT server


K6CM Motor Condition Monitoring Device

K6CM takes the burden of monitoring motors off maintenance engineers. Motors can be maintained in advance of failure due to deterioration. K6CM (comprehensive current diagnosis type) can consistently monitor motor conditions by observing the current waveform of the motor. Additionally, you can understand the motor’s maintenance timing without depending on an engineer, because K6CM provides threshold value setting.

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